Foundation subjects

At Manor School, we aspire for all our pupils to engage in subject-specific learning based on National Curriculum subject areas. However, we group and prioritise these under different headings in order to best meet the needs of our pupils. Learning will look different depending on each pupil's individual stage of development. Each subject area has its own intent statement, setting out a clear vision of the importance of learning in each area. We believe that our foundation subjects are crucial in preparing our pupils for adulthood, and that learning in these areas supports pupils in better understanding and contributing to the world around them.

Our foundation subjects are organised as follows:

Manor School Heading

Breakdown of Content (including National Curriculum Links)

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Science, Computing, Humanities (History, Geography, Religious Education)

Creative Arts

Art and Design, Music

Physical Education

Physical Education, Swimming

Long-term planners for these subject areas indicate the units of learning to focus on each half term. This enables the school to provide broad coverage within these subjects and ensure a clear sequence of progression. These can be downloaded below. Furthermore, each unit of learning has its own unit planner document, providing a one-page overview of the knowledge, skills, and vocabulary for learning. Some samples are available to download below.