Contact Us

Manor School

Headteacher: Steve Thompson

Rise Partnership Trust (RPT) CEO: Jayne Jardine


Senior Safeguarding Lead: Magdalena Gruszczynska-Lis (Senior Safeguarding Lead)

Safeguarding Email:

Safeguarding Phone: 0776 298 8127

Designated Safeguarding Leads: Steve Thompson (Headteacher) and Angela Boast (Deputy Headteacher)


Governance Contacts:

Chair, Local Academy Board: Chris Smaling – c/o Manor School (details as below)

Chair, RPT Trustees: Christine Jackson (c/o Manor School, Chamberlayne Road, London, NW10 3NT)


Enquiries can be addressed to: The Headteacher, Manor School, Chamberlayne Road, Kensal Rise, London, NW10 3NT

Telephone: 0208 968 3160


Enquiries about Manor School Early Years Centre and be addressed to: Manor School Early Years Centre, 38 Bridge Road, London, NW10 9BX

Telephone: 0204 548 3223


School Social Media accounts:

X (formerly: twitter): @ManorSchBrent

Instagram: @manorschldn

When visiting our main school site in Kensal Rise, please use the intercom system to enter via the car park on Okehampton Road. Manor School is accessible for wheelchair users. If you have any additional needs or requirements please let the school office know in advance of your visit so that arrangements can be made.

Prospective parent tours of Manor School Early Years Centre (our offsite reception provision) can be organised by calling 0204 548 3223.

Paper copies: to request a paper copy of any part of our website, please contact the school office.

Manor School is part of The Rise Partnership Trust. The Trust owns the premises, employs the staff, and has primary responsibility for school admissions, and can be contacted using the information above.