At Manor School PSHE, alongside Literacy and Maths forms our Core Curriculum offer. PSHE is interwoven in every aspect of school life. Our aim is to equip our pupils with the knowledge and skills needed to become healthy, happy, confident and responsible citizens. PSHE is taught in a developmental sequence through aspirational lessons and cross-curricular activities. There are 3 main aspects to our PSHE curriculum; Relationships, Health and Wellbeing and Living in the Wider World. We implement our curriculum using a variety of resources and approaches:
- We use the SEAL programme to promote our pupils’ understanding of emotions and how to manage them, to promote their self-awareness, develop social skills and motivation for learning
- We use the SCARF Coram resources to enrich our lessons with engaging activities
- We use the Thrive approach to promote our pupils’ mental health and emotional well-being
- We use the Floorbook approach to promote pupil voice and capture a breadth of PSHE learning
- Our Personal Development offer, Life Skills curriculum, smiLE Therapy, and Financial Education also help us to further support our pupils’ preparation for adulthood
- Our RSHE curriculum is taught cross-curricularly through PSHE and other subjects (e.g., Science, P.E), interventions aimed at promoting regulation (supported by the OT team), SaLT input and individualised targets. In Years 5 and 6 our pupils can have access to discrete RSHE lessons in line with their development. We have developed our own ‘Manor Growing up programme’ to support our pupils to understand their emotional and physical development, as well as how to take care of their bodies and keep safe